*FOR THURSDAY (09/16/2021) Math Intervention classes need to do one iReady lesson plus be on my live Zoom at 1:00. See you then :) ZOOM LINK: https://rcschools.zoom.us/j/88582418904?pwd=a0trTHl3eG9WajFxamtuRU4xeDN3QT09
Anthony W. Greene
Inclusion Teacher
Room 210
[email protected] (615) 904-3885
#WeAreChristiana #GoCougars
Welcome CHMS Family! This website is here to keep you informed and provide access to important links. Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, call our attendance office at (615) 904-3885.
Important Links: Clever, Skyward, and Office 365
Contact me to obtain online textbook information for this class.
Class Schedule
8:00- 8:46 1st Period- Planning
8:50- 9:36 2nd Period- Math with Mrs. Rust
9:40-10:26 3rd Period- Math with Mrs. Rust
10:30-11:24 4th Period Lunch & Math Intervention
11:28-12:22 5th Period Math with Mr. Bransford
12:26-1:20 6th Period- Math with Mr. Bransford
1:24-2:10 7th Period- Math with Mr. Shaw
2:14-3:00 8th Period- Math with Mr. Shaw
I am excited to begin a new nine weeks as the 6th grade inclusion teacher here at CHMS. 2021-22 is my 27th year in education. I've had several roles in my teaching career, ranging from middle school and high school resource to history and the Weight Room. Sports have always been a passion of mine, I've coached football for 27 years, along with basketball, baseball, and trap.
I am excited to guide our students through these changing times and learn to navigate the new obstacles put before us in education. If you have any questions or need anything, please reach out...